Friday, November 26, 2010

Sojourners Thanksgiving 2010

Jonathan and I host another Sojourners Thanksgiving Meal this year!

Magnolia tree seeds were perfect for the occasion!

Luckily we have amazing friends who came over early to help make everything!

Not to mention coming over the night before to stay up all night making beautiful pies!

We used homemade pumpkin puree and it made such a difference! It was creamier and richer and I will be stocking my freezer with more pumpkin puree so I can make it all year long!

Cherry pie! We also had a french silk pie (unfortunately it was devoured before my camera got to say hello)

Deboning the turkey + butternut squash + swiss chard + other ingredients I cannot pronounce + roasting to perfection = the best turkey I've ever eaten.

Our friend from Grace & Peace is an MDiv student at Covenant and an epic chef on the side. He made the turkey this year and we all benefited greatly from his culinary expertise.

Our good friends Hal & Amy from G&P. (And also our prayer group leaders)

Elliott loved all the attention...

At the end of the night: it was one of those times where we wished we had a portable dishwasher. That last like a minute. We finished them all up before heading to bed!

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Capital, Capital!

Favorite thing #1 as of late: The 2009 version of Jane Austen's Emma. Jonathan and I have watched it over...and over...and add it to your netflix queue.

I believe Emma and Mr. Knightley (in this particular version) are thee best matched and most genuinely noble couple portrayed in Austen films yet.

And not to mention, Michael Gambon plays Emma's father...and who doesn't love Michael Gambon. (I think I can't get enough of all the beautiful furniture and rooms in every other scene too!)

Favorite thing #2 as of late: Pumpkin pancakes. I've never consumed so many carbs in one sitting as I do when I have a plate of these in front of me...

Pumpkin Pancakes:

2 cup whole wheat flour

1/4 cup oat bran

1/8-1/4 cup ground flax meal

2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbs brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
a pinch of mace, & a pinch of clove
1/2 tsp salt

1.5 cup milk

1 cup homemade pumpkin puree

1 egg

2 tbs veg oil

(I like to mix the syrup with more ground flax meal)

I couldn't grab the camera fast enough to catch him drinking out of it, but he did! and it was oh so cute.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Vintage Sailor Wallpaper



It is hard to tell from the finished photo, but I finally found a purpose for some fantastic vintage sailor wallpaper a friend gave to me. I lined the back of this shelf and added some wine glass holders and vu-ah la, a little finished side project in time for our Sojourners Thanksgiving dinner party coming up.

Our family quality time: online. We miss you Joe and Moe!

This was this morning, we made the yummiest pumpkin pancakes and got to chat with Emma & Sophia!

Every morning before work, we sit in our breakfast nook, have a cup of coffee and read the Word. Elliott joins us every single morning. This morning he was happy to talk with Emma & Sophia for a bit too...

No. We did not suddenly have a child. (Although I cannot deny how excited I am when our time does come!)

Last weekend I was blessed by these two little babies that live next door. I was able to babysit them for a couple hours while there parents (of whom never get a moment away!) enjoyed a visiting professor teach at Covenant.

They were SOOO wonderful. Toward the end of our night, (and the end of "the Goblet of Fire") one fell asleep on my lap, and the other on my shoulder. It was so fun to make them laugh...

PS: my lovely succulent has finally grown out the top of my chemistry inspired terrarium!