Monday, March 31, 2014

Cora's Turns ONE!

Preface: I apologize for the offensive flash in all these shots. Ugh I hate the flash! but it was a particularly dark room and getting later in the day which didn't help. oh well. 

Jennie, Cora's Godmother, made her these fantastic cakes, they were divine!!

 and oh so beautiful! Goodness!

We grilled brats (and all-beef hot dogs for the kiddos), from our local Ted's Polish Sausage shop, along with braised red cabbage and a plethora of Fitz's rootbeer and soda. 

Many of Coco's friends came to celebrate with her on her big day. It was cute to see her play with everyone. 

OOh, look at that face! I could eat her up!

She didn't demolish her cake like all those one year olds you see in photos. She had a modest serving. Although in this pic, it's looks like she ate the entire thing! ;) 

She got a little pooped from all the fun towards the end of her party, so she napped on mama for a wee bit. 

Mama and Papa found this little childrens table at a thrift store and painted it a light gray for Coco to sit and "have tea" with her wooden tea set for her birthday.

I forgot to take an "after" shot but you get the idea. ;)

Anyway, it was such a great day of celebration with friends and family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family to share her life with. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures of the party and the cutie girl. Great Great Auntie Dorothy would be so pleased that Cora has a special spot for tea.
