Saturday, November 22, 2014

A German Birthday

And the best wife award goes to...(drum roll please) Stacey! For making her hubby *thee* best german meal AND his all time favorite pie for his big 3-0. Amazing. And we were so glad to be apart of it. 

Sausage and veal from Ted's, homemade Spaetzle, a delicious root veggie salad, potato cakes, another potato bacon side, and a plethora of mustards and cabbages. (drool) and a cherry pie with coffee ice cream for dessert. Ok, yum!

The boys

All of us together. (minus the two bigger dogs who were quarantined to the backyard for their muddy paws) Oh and that's a butternut squash making an appearance in the corner there, not some body part if that's what you were thinking. ;)

Not to sure about the sausage. 


Cora (like her papa) loves to have conversations. and Laz (like his papa) loves soft and squishy things to relax on. 

Auntie Stacey being a very good auntie. 

Happy Birthday John G. Cline. You are such a dear friend and we are so glad you were born! XOXOX

1 comment:

  1. ha. i love that picture of Cora and me...we *both* look totally ready for bed :)
