Introducing our son Oliver James Umbriaco. Born on November 23rd 2014 at 5:59pm. He weighed 5 lbs and 6 oz and was 18 1/2" long. We are so glad he is finally here!
Oliver was due to arrive December 23rd, 2014. Instead of coming in time for Christmas, he wanted to make it in time for Thanksgiving I guess. He was born at 35 weeks and 5 days, so a little too early. However, he was as healthy as can be so we praise the Lord!

Sunday morning, I awoke and went to use the restroom only to find my water broke and so maybe our plans were going to change a bit for the day. I was scheduled to help host a meal with the hospitality team that day after church and so first things first, I called my team member to tell her that I probably won't be making it to church today :) She was very excited for us and wished us well! Next I called my doctor who said, "head to the hospital!". Next I called my mother and father to tell them the news. They were so excited and wanted updates as soon as they were available. Next I called my mother and father-in-law who were just about to head out the door for church, but instead drove straight to our house to be with us and to watch Cora while we were away.
This time around I enjoyed just going straight to the hospital without any real contractions. (Good thing I had already packed my hospital bag along with my birth plan!) I labored at home for a good while with Cora and that made my car ride to the hospital incredibly uncomfortable. When we arrived at the hospital, they wheeled me back to our room where I could labor.
Contractions came slowly but surely. I slowly entered into "Labor land" I call it where only me and my memories could go. (I took Cora along in my mind to help me cope with the waves of contractions) Jonathan and Maureen were playing cards and of course, watching the bronco game on very low, but I didn't mind. I just wanted to labor by myself, in my own mind.
Suddenly, the contractions changed. They immediately became too intense for me to remain in my peaceful state of mind. I had four incredibly powerful contractions that sent the nurse in our room (they can see my vitals from outside the room) I could literally feel Oliver's head descending down the birth canal. My entire body was at the mercy of these gripping and excruciating pains. I knew not to be afraid and to keep breathing and that I could either enter into this place of endurance and a bit of panic or I could escape. I chose to escape because I knew I was so close and numbing the pain should only bring me relief and would not slow down my labor. That was my hope. So I told the nurse, "Ok! I want an epidural!" She said, knowing my birth plan, "Are you sure? Would you like me to check you?" I immediately replied, "NO! I want it NOW." So off she went!
Lindsey, oh sweet Lindsey. My anesthesiologist. I will never forget her face ;) I immediately remembered her from my labor with Cora. Same gal, same wonderful relief.
Once I was comfortable, they checked me and I was at a 9 and 2-3+. ready to push! We actually had to wait for my doctor to arrive so we did. I didn't care, I couldn't feel a thing and I was in my right mind again, quite ecstatic actually. Dr. Julie Gould arrived and once everything was set up, she checked me and said I could push even without a contraction. So I did. I pushed about 4-5 times and POP! Oliver was born.
Oh our sweet little Ollie. I wasn't sure how I could love another human being as much as I love our daughter Cora but I do! He's so itty bitty and only makes the tiniest of coos for every emotion he is trying to express. Hunger, poopie, pleasure etc...He is precious.
Oliver got to meet his very own godparents the day after his birth. And what a joy it was to have them visit! Oliver will be forever blessed by them, we know that for sure.
Here is a very happy Papa along with Ollie's Nana and Grandpa, such a happy moment!
And here is Oliver's Nana. We were so blessed to have her there with us the entire time, from the car ride in to the moments he was in my arms. Such a wonderful blessing. Nana gave me strength during the time when my labor transitioned and encouraged me just when I needed it.
Not only was Nana a blessing by her presence but she also was able to facetime with my entire immediate family during the birth. So in a way, my family was there too! Well, at least, they felt like they were ;)
Lastly, but not least! Oliver got to meet his very happy big sister the next day. She of course, brought along *her* babies to introduce to her new brother. We know they will be the best of friends.
It's already been a week since Oliver has arrived and I just can't believe it. I thought I would be waddling around until maybe a week before Christmas, but here we are, a family of four! I'm no longer pregnant and already healing so well and it's not even December!
Next to come is our second nephew who should be arriving any day now! Yay!