Friday, April 26, 2013


Ok ok so I know I've been a mama for only about one month now (not including pregnancy) but as i think about mothers day coming up I can't help but write about how I love motherhood and I think I'll continue to love it. Everyday is new and fresh and every decision about what I wear, eat, or the places I go, all these choices revolve around my daughter or they at least affect her in some way. Some people might find this to be a negative thing but there is something beautiful about how she depends on me fully and I'm strengthened by our interdependence.

I love Cora-wearing (some people find attachment theory in general to be limiting for the mama, like she is not able to be free in a way because she always has a baby strapped to her) however I see it the opposite. I think when you wear your baby, you are therefore more free to do the things you need to do, clean, shop, cook (preferably without a flame too close to baby), pay bills, whatever. You have both hands! How could you not get things done!?

I love breast feeding. I hope everyone wanting children at least will give nursing a go. It's a bit daunting to think about being needed every two to three hours around the clock, in the beginning at least but it is also nice to think about how every two to three hours (or whatever) you get to sit in a cozy chair and relax for twenty minutes or so while she nurses. Talk about leisure! Now I only have one baby, I'm sure things get a little more interesting when there are more little ones running around. Side note: I love when she bobbles her head on your chest when she is hungry with her mouth slightly open, like a little bird ;) it's the cutest thing

I love cuddling in the night. We have been blessed with a good little sleeper. She only wakes softly (never opens her eyes) when she is hungry during the night. Which lately has been only once or twice a night. It's crazy that no matter how deep of sleep I am in, I will still wake up gently to her soft sounds and nurse. My sleep seems to be affected very little by our sleeping arrangements so I'm well rested and ready for the following day! Jonathan sleeps great and sticks to his side of the bed. No rolling around like mad for the umbriacos! :)

I love being just the thing she needs when she is upset. Yesterday was the first day where she was so upset due to exhaustion. She usually gets adequate naps during the day but I think she underwent another growth spurt yesterday (6 weeks soon) and so she wanted to eat almost every hour. (Whenever she has a growth spurt, I know for sure because the next day all she does is sleep, hence today, all she is doing is sleeping and eating, then right back to sleeping again, therefore I have time to write a blog post :) anyway, she was so upset and into a little fit of tears yesterday, I thought she wanted more food, no this made her more upset, I thought she had to burp, no, she kept crying. Jonathan tried to calm her down but wasn't quite successful. I finally took her and held her tight in my arms, and just started bouncing (quite strongly) on the sofa and she immediately fell asleep for the night. I even went out to hang out that night with girlfriends over pie and ice cream and she slept for the majority of that too. It's a great feeling to satisfy her needs, no matter how simple they may seem. She is the world to me to her needs are that big too.

On Mother's Day, I especially think about my own mama and how much I love her and miss her. She has been a wonderful mama for nearly three decades and she isn't slowing down. She still has two little ones at home, (not that little really, 15 & 13, but they will always be little to me :) She has worked very hard to be the best mother she can be to raise five girls for heavens sake, and she has taught me about strength and endurance and tenderness. I am naive to think motherhood is a breeze, it can be at times at this stage of the game for me, but I think The Lord eases us into it. Just wait until all your kids get sick and can't make it to the loo to vomit, so puke sprays over the entire wall on the way to the bathroom. Lets see how much fun parenthood is at that point. Well I remember doing exactly that, not making it to the bathroom one night when I was little and my mom cleaned up after me and loved me so well when I was sick. I hope I have as much patience and love as her when Cora gets sick in the future. One last thing about my mother, she is so funny! I never really realized but when she was here last for Cora's birth, we laughed so much and so hard! Her jokes and impressions and faces, they make me smile every time I rethink back to them.

Here are some things we've been up to:

Cora was baptized!! Oh it was so beautiful and i'll never forget how calm and peaceful she was as our pastor held her over the water and sealed her into Gods covenant love and family. Until she is old enough to confess faith herself, she has a seal of Gods faithfulness and promise to her. Hopefully for her, like others before her, her baptism will be a reminder and proof that when she believes, sin will no longer be her master.

Godparents came over for lunch after the church service. They love her so much!

Jonathans parents came to town earlier that week to meet and visit with Cora. They fell in love immediately and Cora loved them too. She loved to nap in Nanas arms and she loved being held by grandpa too!

I think the thing I love most about mamahood is smelling and kissing and snuggling up to that cute little face with all that hair. It never gets old. 

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you had a good day with you cutie pie.
    Nothing says love, like some one throwing up all over you. Been there done that with your wonderful husband.
    Love Maureen
