Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cora's nursey (thus far)

As all furniture in our home, it is subject to change. SO this is little baby's nursery thus far. The nursery is somewhat "ship-themed" not to be confused with nautical (sea-shells and the star fish, yuck) although some nautical things are allowed like anchors perhaps...I'm picky, I know :)

We found this changing table at one of my favorite thrift stores, and our collection of cloth diapers is slowly growing. (Thanks to Erin, baby's Auntie, and black friday sales :) PS: as you see there, we expect baby C to be accepted to Hogwarts, although we are unsure which house she will be admitted to. (please forgive this nerdy confession) 

Like I said before, things are subject to change. I will be moving pieces in and out and around I'm sure. For example, its difficult for Jonathan and I to get by easily to the basement with a load of laundry with the cradle in the middle of the room so that will probably change. But it's not a big deal really. 

This quilt was made with love by baby's sweet Nana. It looks so nice on display in her cradle right now, we love to glance upon it from time to time.  

 So cute!

We will probably place the cradle/crib up against this wall (if we decide not to co-sleep) and then find another place for her bookshelf..

 And there you have it, a small and humble nursery in the making of our teeny tiny 900 sq ft apartment. 

If you know of anyone who has or would be willing to sell an old accordion style wooden baby gate, let me know! Until then, it is my shopportunity and excuse to go estate sale-ing ;)

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