Sunday, June 17, 2012

Shakespeare in the park

We went to shakespeare in the park this past friday night. The show was so well done, but the best part was being able to see it alongside all the nearby little birds and fireflies, in the park. Check out the link and view the cast. They were really great. 

second best part was that it was F-R-E-E! FREE!!!!  

So we packed our little picnicking backpack with chilled pinot grigio, bread, and cheese and hiked to Forest Park along with all the other eager St. Louisans. 

Also, as Jonathan was headed to the restrooms midway, someone out in the crowd thought to himself "I know that beard...hmmm." and called out to him. 

Turned out to be two friends from Salt Lake City from our old church NewSong!! They have moved here permanently! So we got to visit with them for a bit, exchange numbers and so forth. It was so exciting to see people from back home!! 

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