Don't mind that guys head, and that other guys head...and yea that other guys head...I had to be discreet! So they may not be the *best* pictures but who cares! I got to go to a Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken HOUSE SHOW!
Our good friends surprised us with tickets to see this house show last night. It was amazing!! I remember when Jonathan and I were dating, Jonathan's brother Jacob got me D. Webb's "house show" album for Christmas that year and it has been my favorite album since, and now I can't believe I got to actually be at one.

It was cute and cozy with cookies and cider. They played all my favorite songs and of course we couldn't go without some slightly political and debated discussion about issues in the world today sprinkled in between songs. I think my favorite part was sitting near Sandra's parents, who glowed and adored their daughter as she sang. Her dad even started singing along once when it was supposed to be just her solo, and her mother had to gently remind him to stop singing with a pat on the knee. :) So cute!